"The human foot is a masterpiece of engineering and a work of art."
Leonardo da Vinci
Tayside Christian Fellowship (TCF), along with another two churches in Perth, were delighted to respond to a request from Perth and Kinross Council to set up FOOTWISE, a much-needed service for people who are in reasonably good health, but who are unable to undertake their own foot care and don’t qualify for treatment through the NHS.
Sadly, TCF only managed their first two clinics in Spring last year before, like so many places, they were closed because of Covid 19.
We are delighted to say that this month our clinic is re-opening, and we are currently focussing on catching up with all our existing clients
Our foot care volunteers have received instruction in basic toenail cutting and foot health from NHS podiatrists, to provide the FOOTWISE service. Our volunteers are not qualified chiropodists or podiatrists and therefore cannot give medical advice on footcare or other general health care.
Before qualifying for the FOOTWISE service, a medical screening and Covid triage is carried out by telephone and thereafter updated prior to every appointment.
At any time that changes are identified which would then mean a person no longer meets our criteria for FOOTWISE, it may mean that you meet the criteria to refer yourself to the NHS Podiatry service for assessment and we will be able to provide you with details as to how to do this.
The cost is £5 per treatment, and, at the first appointment, you need to purchase your own personal toenail cutting equipment for £10 which you take home and bring back for each appointment.
If you think you may qualify and are interested in more details about TCF’s FOOTWISE clinic then you can leave an enquiry at hello@tcfperth.org.uk
The human foot has 26 bones, 33 joints, 10 tendons, 19 muscles and 7,000 nerve endings – so many reasons, if you ever needed them, for taking good care of your feet!