Book Review: The Little Book for Really, Really Brilliant Grandparents

Reviewed by Eunice Finnie

I was asked to review this book written by Rob Parsons and Katharine Hill, illustrated by Davie McNeill, and published by Muddy Pearl last year.

The authors are both involved in Care for the Family, a Christian based organisation supporting and encouraging the building of strong family relationships.  They are both grandparents and so are also writing with personal knowledge of the subject.

This book is a light-hearted, refreshing read and although it can be read very easily in one sitting, it is ideal as a dip in and out book too.  Most pages take 30 seconds to read and are accompanied with an illustration on the opposite leaf.  There are also 5 second anecdotes.  

A wide range of tips and hints are covered, from finding out you are about to become a grandparent, through to your relationships with your grandchildren.

What Not To Say!

I particularly liked the examples of ‘what not to say’ when your offspring tells you they are having a baby.  Your first reaction is the one that sticks in their mind so it is not helpful to say, “can you afford it” or “poor kid” or “I’m too young to be a grandma”, better to react with a “Wow”, or “Wonderful”.

When the baby finally arrives don’t be tempted to overwhelm the new parents.

Image caption reads:

“Don’t worry, we’ll be fine in the tent, it means we’ll be right here every day!”

The authors emphasise, that as your grandchildren grow, you should:

Have fun with them:  “Have fun – make your grandchildren laugh.  Remember that boring is far worse than batty”.

Be there for them, the greatest gift you can give is time:  Quote from an 8-year-old: “Everyone should have a grandmother – they are the only grown-ups that have time.”

Give them a sense of stability:  “Research shows that a close relationship between grandparents and grandchildren can act as a buffer against adverse effects of some life events and steady a young life that is rocking”.

There are so many excellent quotes, it would be quite easy to re-write the book in this review however, this will be the final quote.


“When grand parenting works best, it does so as a support to both parents and children.  Free from the daily routines, grandparents can make a child feel special”


The Little Book for Really, Really, Brilliant Grandparents is an entertaining read, suitable for all grandparents, even grandparents in waiting!

Published August 26th 2021