Book review: I’ve Changed My Mind

Written by Jim Crooks

Reviewed by Mike Allnutt

A Baptist minister I heard recently told a joke against his own kind: “How many Baptist ministers does it take to change a light-bulb?” …. the response to which was, “Change?!?”  

To be presented with a book by our own Jim Crooks entitled, ‘I’ve changed my mind’, was certainly intriguing if not a bit concerning!  Well done, Jim, for dreaming up such a provocative title.

As someone with a lifetime in education this book was up my street.   In it, Jim riffs on his key text of Ephesians 4v22-24 exploring what Paul means by, “…to be renewed in the spirit of your minds…”. in so far as the ongoing life of a Christian is a learning experience, how does contemporary educational theory and practice relate to advancing as a believer?  Some will struggle with the academic side of things, though all have passed through school and more and ought to recognise the ideas involved.

I found the areas where Jim explored the human condition helpful, though was left wanting to find out more on his understanding of the distinctions between mind, soul, spirit, consciousness, intellect, heart, will and brain etc. So slim a book could never go too far into such matters.

His bullet point style had its merits, and, as a slower reader/absorber I was glad I could pause frequently to digest each concept.  It is not meant to be an easy read but is seeking to challenge us all to be less passive in the learning involved in being a follower of Jesus.

Jim constantly relates to scripture in his musings and that is always an excellent corrective to any possibility of wandering into unhelpful considerations.  I recall a book that focussed on Jesus as a teacher which showed how much of a master-practitioner he was and is.  Modern-day education would do well to take heed to His techniques and see that its newly invented maxims are not so new. Jim’s book can help in that mission.

Header Photo by Alexandra Fuller on Unsplash

Article published May 2022