Looking Back At 2021! (Part 1)



Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

I was watching an episode of NCIS, which was set in Afghanistan and the thought came to me about the human capacity to cause and inflict pain and suffering on others; mainly to make them conform to their way of life and enslave them to do their will.

When you stop and think about it some Nation has always thought to dominate another; the Egyptians, Romans, Spanish, Europeans, Americans through various centuries have each in its turn had no regard for the Native People.

Robert Burns wrote about “A Man’s Inhumanity to Man”.  History cannot be changed but we must learn from it in the 21st century.

We should move forward and in today’s “enlightened age” we think of treatment of the people of colour, which was raised by the marching and toppling of a Slave Trader in Bristol.  We should be asking ourselves what our own personal Christian view is of the past and, what can we do in the future, to prevent such things happening again? Remember that under God’s eye, all people are equal and should be treated as such.  So, it is up to each of us to put into practice that famous line “A Man’s a Man for Awe That”.

No matter what colour or creed ALL LIVES MATTER.



COP26 took place in Glasgow when governments across the globe met to find ways to ‘save the planet’ as world populations fear what will happen if action is not taken to stop climate change.

I find it sad that people seem to be more concerned about the sustainability of planet earth, rather than the eternal future of their souls.  God has told us to care for His creation and it is important to do so, but He has also told us that this earth will pass away. 

As a follower of Christ, I know that God, and not man, is in control of our world and so I am not anxious.  I pray that those worried about the world’s future will come to know and trust its loving, faithful and all-powerful creator, and realise that He is the source of life and the only one who offers salvation, peace and true hope for the future.

Sectarian Fighting in Lebanon


As a student of 21, I met many Armenian Christians who had temporarily escaped the guerrilla warfare of the Lebanese Civil War.  They instilled in me an interest in Lebanon that only came to fruition when I first visited that land about four years ago.

Lebanon is very much a middle eastern country that is a proxy for international muscle flexing that emanates from outside its borders.  Lebanon is the chess board on which the sectarian and partisan masters manoeuvre.

Having rebuilt itself after the (1975-1990) civil war, Lebanon has tumbled from one crisis to another: lack of leadership, the Beirut port explosion, food and energy shortages and a devalued currency.

Now these kindly people are drawing up sectarian lines again and the powder-keg could erupt with the tiniest of sparks.  Pray for this country, for its stability and for the de-escalation of suspicion and mistrust.

Feature Image Photo by Tarryn Myburgh on Unsplash